Lessons In The Kitchen & Pickleball

“Stay out of the kitchen” today translates to “Non- Volley Zone” in Pickleball’s craze going deep and dinking around the world. We even played on a cruise ship! I can teach you to play in one day! Buy a couple racquets and hit against a wall to feel the ball and YOU CAN DO THIS! A good racquet cost $75-250. I like Selkirk. There are specific rules you need to master, but playing is the best way to learn. YouTube has plenty of videos to teach you rules for scoring and serving. I suggest begin with serving (not above the hip and no spin throws). Scoring seems hard however you will get to know it or someone will remind you! Click on the link below for a video.

Let’s learn pickleball! https://youtu.be/Q6EBvbVPmhg

Above is an easy YouTube from a coach where I play, Gates Tennis & Pickleball, Denver. You can find me at Lilac Park in Jupiter FL during the winter months

Dinking is hitting the ball lightly in or near the kitchen. You can step in the kitchen as long as you do not hit the ball while in the air before it bounces. One bounce every time is maximum! For the non volley or kitchen zone, if it bounces, you can step into the kitchen to hit it. Move out immediately to return any volley, low hit and get into position to reset the volley. If it looks high upon return, hit in the air or back up if they lob it over your head. Then run back to the line in front t of the kitchen!!

The key is to get a point and another serve. Pickleball plays to 11 and you have to win by 2. Enjoy the journey of learning, meeting new people and improving every day. I hope you can find a court! Practice against a wall if you are alone. Even if you tape your driveway about the size of the pickleball kitchen, you can practice with a neighbor or your family. Just hit the pickleball over a tape or buy a net that’s portable. Go to a park and hit a block or topspin for practice. Keep trying!
